

$450: Students (High School & University Students)

$ 500: Adults

$ 600: Business Leaders/Faith-based Leaders

This package includes Highlands Ability Battery (completed online), 2-hour debriefing session with a Highlands certified consultant, a full access to detailed online reports, and optional follow-up meeting with a Highlands certified consultant at a later date.

Group 5 - 9

$ 285: Students (High School & University Students)

$ 340: Adults

$ 435: Business Leaders/Faith-based Leaders

Group package includes Highlands Ability Battery (completed online), 2-hour debriefing session with a Highlands certified consultant, a full access to individualized-detailed online reports, and an optional follow-up meeting with a Highlands certified consultant at a later date.

Group debriefing would take place after everyone in the group has completed the Highlands Ability Battery.

Group 10+

$ 235: Students (High School & University Students)

$ 290: Adults

$ 390: Business Leaders/Faith-based Leaders

Group package includes Highlands Ability Battery (completed online), 2-hour debriefing session with a Highlands certified consultant, a full access to individualized-detailed online reports, and an optional follow-up meeting with a Highlands certified consultant at a later date.

Group debriefing would take place after everyone in the group has completed the Highlands Ability Battery.